2001-06-10, 10:31 a.m.

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back & forth

Well, it's been a long time. Sorry. It was an absolutely punishing week. At the beginning of the week my phone was shut off, since the phone company claim they never got my check. But I have the thing, and it's endorsed. Rrrar. Now it's just a question of getting the credit for it.

Yesterday was Boston Pride. Mope. I got.. uh, sunburn and free condoms. Neither of which really banish the canker of loneliness eating at my heart. So many interesting-looking guys, and always unapproachable for some crazy reason. I suppose there's always the monastic life.

It was MG's first Pride or March or anything, and I tend to forget how imposing they are. Suddenly, you're in a crowd of muscle marys with no shirts and there's very loud dance music, and you think, This is not real. This is a mad, mad stereotype and these people are paid extras. But no, they're real people and at least some of them have or want common ground with me. There are always men who get away. At Pride things it can be so much more awful because the ... well, for dearth of a better word, selection is so good. I even made eye contact a few times. Aren't you proud of me?

Haydn makes things better. Listening to Frans Br�ggen / Orchestra of the 18th Century doing symphonies 90 & 93. It's so reasoned and so exuberant, like good public speaking.

