2001-06-16, 2:07 a.m.

la, la, la; je ne l'ose dire...

back & forth

another quick entry-- honestly, my life is about to slow down again to the normal pace and I can go back and fill it all in from handwritten notes and basic courier bag archaeology. Expect a detailed stratological analysis of concert brochures, bills and used tissues accruing like silt in an estuary. In the meantime, might I titillate your fipples with:

1. See Moulin Rouge, and, please, please, GET IT, since it's funny and campy and really quite smart, see?

2. Hear some seventeenth-century harpsichord music. I did, tonight, played by the talented and witty Byron Schenkman. Again, I was one of the few people in the house willing to get the joke. Does this make me superior? I hope so.

3. Go to a baroque opera. You can't? Well, that's a sign that there's something wrong with your world.

4. Fall in love. It's been two years since I was really in love and that was a dismal failure.

5. Don't, whatever you do, get a sinus infection, unless you are an attractive young man and contract it from kissing me. Trying to work under pressure, sinus or otherwise, is not advised by me to you.

6. Call your parents. They're doltish and crass, but you love them.

C'est l� tout le prix d'une amour trop sincere

N'aimons jamais, ou n'aimons guere

Il est dangereux d'aimer tant

Ce n'est pas le plus seur pour plaire

Bien souvent on croit faire

Un Amant heureux et content

Et l'on ne fait qu'un Inconstant.

-- Philippe Quinault, Th�s�e, 1675
