2001-06-02, 12:28 p.m.

sleeping in a fake tree

back & forth

Went to yet another party at AP's with EN and MG. That is Bad Party Posse Planning. MG gets cagey around strangers. EN, bless her heart, ends up talking very kindly to older skeezy men who develop huge crushes on her. Not a pretty scene, and we lost RW, the fourth member of our party. He was asleep on the top floor in a fake tree, of course. He gravitates to extreme places, in a microcosmic sense, the way the rest of us gravitate to extreme people. He is, needless to say, an extreme person.

A strange and very drunk old neighbor, pretending to psychic abilities, hopped the fence uninvited and chatted at me and MG for far too long about what's wrong with MG's sex life, some of which you could tell just by looking at MG, some of which was true because it's true of most gay men, and some of which was just crap. Anyway, it was big piles of uncomfortable with me.

And then I went home and slept, which was by a long shot the best thing that happened to me all day. Today I have to do laundry, but it is raining and I don't see the point of spending money on laund-ro-mat (I REALLY hate that word) dryers only to walk home in the rain.