25 October 2002, 21:53

Dancing Squid

back & forth

Blast from the past: Je ne veux pas travailler / je ne veux pas d�jeuner / je veux seulement oublier / et puis je fume."
Work: Morning meeting, where I got to be all butch and shout people down for being idiotic. Damn it, when I'm the only person in the room who can write CSS, I might well have an informed opinion of what the website developers can and can't do. Me, to a VP today: 'Uh-uh-uh, honey, I could code that puppy up. It's not hard.' OK, maybe butch isn't quite the word. But I get serious shits and giggles out of saying something coherent about what the company should be doing. It's out of character like a kangaroo doing ballet reviews for the Times.p

How was your day at work, SLB? I ask. "The marketing people are the bootcamp for the Marketing Department at the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, and they will be first against the wall when the revolution comes".

more to come...