29 July, 2002, 23:37

When your world is full of strange arrangements

back & forth

Needing to dig out: it's that season when the library books are all overdue, when my mail queue at work is thrice what it needs to be and everything is, in a nutshell, overstated. The echoes in this nutshell are phenomenal. It could be a cathedral.

Yes, lambkins, it's the yearly inundation of Denial.

For the record, I'm a dragon.

Music: J S Bach violin concerti, with Andrew Manze. On Friday at work, MS asked me if I liked "the Chili Peppers," and, for a moment, I thought it was like, "Do you like . . . the salsa?" I made a decision to play my music louder at work. Hell, I've already got my boss hooked on 69LS, and it's only week four.