2001-03-30, 12:54 a.m.

only connect...

back & forth

busy day -- had half a day at work (still not playing to tempo, as it were). Then went down to Quincy to sight read some new chamber music with a different combination of people -- had two recorders and cello and me, which makes for a very balanced sound. Feeling pretty much up to snuff, but my arm does look all bruisy and atrophied and disgusting. It'll be a while before I wear short sleeves at a club. Night before last, went to the splendid Karaoke night in JP at the Milky Way, met some really neat people and somehow totally didn't connect. Beweeping my social inadequacies a little, I guess, but unsure I really want to change in the direction of accessibility -- I rather like that the first conversation with me has, in the past, acted as a kind of entrance exam; not that I dislike people who don't get my references, but rather that it sometimes gets frustrating for both parties when we're not both operating with the same cultural capital.

In other news, trying like hell to dredge up old contacts, out of a bewildering sense of isolation from my past. At certain points, it seemed like the best way to grow; right now, at least, I want to check up on these people. If you know me, let me know.

